How many American household have at least one canine member? would you be surprised if I stated the number is 65 million. What Are the major benefits to that household-A sense of love and affection by dog owners,resulting in the fact that people who care for dogs exhibit less anxiety which results in lower blood pressure. We ave had a long history of living and working together. They have helped us in raising cattle and sheep, and they helped the handicapped and the blind. As our companions they depend on us to give them the best food we can provide for them and,of course, for ourselves. But sometimes it’s hard to know what is best. This blog is not here to be so self assured, so dogmatic (pun intended, my apologizies, but experience in selecting and experience in results is the best markers I think. As far as best food for dogs, we can debate. But that the facts that many dogs like many humans are having digestive problems, skin problems, arthritic problems do tell us that the standard diets of commercial food dogs is not the best answer. My intention is to try to inform you the best I can about some choices that can be made to improve you dog’s health. I will be forthcoming in any affiliation I have. But i can promise you that whatever products I present, I have my honest intent to improve the health of your pet.